Joined on: May 15, 2006 14:11:26 GMT -5
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Post by Jacob on Feb 15, 2009 6:25:44 GMT -5
Okay, so there's still alot of great feds around here, but I think it's fair to say that nothing compares to the feds of yesterday (2003-2006 circa).
If there's still any vets around here, do you remember some of the continuous feds that where around in the early 00's?
FCW was obviously the leading brand. I remember JWF being a pretty awesome fed, WCdub had a real old school feel about it and of course BAM and his RWA and WCW World shows. Then there was mine, CFW.
As a Pic Fed owner, the excitment of reading all the feedback from show's was awesome. I used to love logging on in the mornings to see what people thought about all the hard work that went into my shows - I'm sure everyone else also feels the same.
So, for the vest and/or people that remember, let's chat about some of the shows and events that I believe, defined WF's Pic Fed board.
Post by deskjet on Feb 15, 2009 7:47:33 GMT -5
Well, im not gonna get into too much of a conversation about past feds but i will say that the ones mentioned were really top notch feds. JWF had perhaps the best poses. Nrrrrg had the best stop motion animations. FCW had the best presentations and CFW was catching up. Titch shows were just always entertaining...i mean who doesnt remember Pyne Twiggs,lol. I think back then there was more of an attentiveness to pic fedding as a whole..people really produced it like a business rather than just stuff thrown together.. It's gettin more like that now with current fedders really trying to establish their brands identity. WCDUB and RWA always had interesting storylines and W3E had awesome pic quality. It;s funny how now it seems indy feds are becoming more popular when back then nobody made an indy fed, just the current stars. Well, I did have RXW which was afed made of tottally made up wrestlers like Kryptic, the Preachers Kid, Trey, lol...those were some terrible customs, but some good times.
I remember the day the old site shut down( cant remember the name right now), and I was frantically tryin to find out what was goin on and where to post stuff, then i came across this site. It was created outta the ashes of the old site and damn has WrestlingFigs ever boomed!
All that said, I really like the group of pic fedders we have now, We have alot of uniqueness on the board now and although not all the pic fedders have or can be as supportive with replys as the times gone by, I think there's a heavier involvement and interest in the board then anytime before.
I'd like to see more of the vets like you and ryanissexy comeback and contribute more either with small update shows or replying or just adding some ideas to the board. Hell i feel like the old man around here, i need my geriatric friends, lol.
But as great as it is to look back on the past feds, like I said, I really like the feds we have goin on this board and I hope they continue to grow into their own identity and can some day look back on a great era in their lives as well. Of course I'll probably be right there reminiscing with them and their grandkids, lol. Here's to the future baby!
Main Eventer
Joined on: Jun 25, 2002 15:29:39 GMT -5
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Post by ryanissexy on Feb 15, 2009 9:55:28 GMT -5
You know, that's actually pretty accurate, DJ is the grandpa of the Pic Fed board.
Everyone always loved FCW, I remember a few times they would post a show, and then a day or two later, 5-6 new shows would come out. It got a lot of people motivated. At the same token, those 5-6 shows would also not get replied to because everyone was replying to FCW. I learned that lesson the first time! If I had a show complete and saw that FCW has just posted...I'd wait a good 2 weeks!
JWF was one of my favorites, and as was PWF which came later on.
The RWA was very exciting, and CFW started to get some steam.
Titch's fed with the Tower of Doom was excellent as well.
Towards the end here, Trypod and Kevin-something or other had great up and coming feds, but I'm not sure where they went too or if they are still around.
DJ's THE Federation was another one of my favorites, I'm glad to see the old geezer is still around.
I'm going to try and check out a few of the new guys (new to me, at least) over the next few weeks and see who can compete with these old school guys!
Joined on: May 15, 2006 14:11:26 GMT -5
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Post by Jacob on Feb 15, 2009 10:44:28 GMT -5
deskjet...you mentioned a couple of feds I had forgotten about, there. Awesome stuff.
If I can find the time, I would love to come back, even if it's just for one more show. I don't have any figures left, don't have Flash installed anymore, but with that being said, everything is still obtainable. I can afford to buy the things that I need to do it, but as I said, time is a factor.
I may try writing a new show and see if that motivates me into actually going for - just for old times sake.
Post by deskjet on Feb 17, 2009 14:25:26 GMT -5
**Gets up outta rockin chair. Pops two blue pills. Drinks a glass of prune Juice**
So yea, seems like these young whipper snappers have no idea what we're talking about. I believe the site was WrestleWorld. I may be wrong. I know Jack would know. I forgot about trypod and those guys too. What we're talkin here is like the first generation. The 2nd generation were guys like Baow, rog, rop,vwa, NWR:), Pooky's fed, HLW with a sprinkling of first gen guys from time to time. A noticeble difference between the 2 generations. This is generation 3 I'll assume.. the 4th gen will prob be ipod feds, lol. I wanna say the very first pic fed was wfcw, but that doenst sound rite...but man people wer all over that casue nobody was doin pic feds just text feds, which is what i started out on.