Well, so many people have asked for this or something similar, so here goes:
How to make WWE Style Custom Carding-By onionmasterStep 1:
First, type
“Download Quadrangle Font” into a search engine. Download it as soon as you find a site with it on. This font is the font for making custom carding, and applies to both Classic Superstars and RA Style Carding. (You also need another font-Arial, for CS carding, but you will almost definitely already have this on your computer)
Step 2:
After the download’s complete-it should only take a few seconds as it is not a very large file, copy it into the fonts folder in the Windows folder on your hard disk drive (C usually) and then find a photo editing program; Adobe Photoshop or Macromedia Fireworks will do nicely. I personally use Fireworks, and it is perfect for making carding. Both the Adobe and Macromedia sites have free 30 day trials, or you can buy it straight off the site.
Step 3:
While the program is being downloaded, find the pics you want to use for the carding. Then save them into your pictures folder. I recommend
www.obsessedwithwrestling.com (you have to type it with the www. or it won’t come up) as it has a comprehensive gallery of pretty much every wrestler that has ever been in the ring. It also has the biographies of most wrestlers as well, which will be useful for the back. Get a small biography of the wrestler you are making when you have got the picture(s) and save it as a word or text document. You just need the Height, Weight, Debut, Finishing Move and Titles from this page. Once you have downloaded and installed the program, open it. Next insert the pic(s) you are using for your carding and if you are going to make CS carding, make the background black and stretch the page so it is a rectangle, about 5 CM thick and 20cm high. This will make the sides. Save and copy this picture and open it. For one side, write the name of the wrestler you’re making in the Quadrangle font you installed earlier. On the other side, insert the corresponding picture(s). Edit them so only the wrestler can be seen and nothing in the background. You need to use the paintbrush tool in black so it blends in and looks professional. After you’ve done this both your sides will be done and you can move onto the back.
Step 4:
For the back, you need to keep the background black, but widen it so it takes up a full page. Next insert a text box and above that the name of your wrestler in the same font as your sides. Also insert above it the Classic Superstars logo:
To the left of the text box, copy and paste the pic(s) of your wrestler from the sides into the space. In the text box, copy and paste the Biography of your wrestler into the text box. Make the font size “8” and the Font “Arial” and make the titles the same colour as the front of the package: e.g. if “collector series” is in red make Height, Weight, Debut, Finishing Move and Titles red. Finally, save the pictures.
Step 5:
If you’re going to make RA carding, use the template, which can be found here:
i4.photobucket.com/albums/y107/onionmaster/Punkcover3.pngYou do not need to make the back for this, since there is never a bio on the back. In the same program I described earlier, fill this pic with whatever colour you want the packaging to be, and then insert the wrestler’s name in Quadrangle on 1 side. Flip it to the side and align it with the packaging so it is evenly placed. On the other side insert the pic you want to use and edit it so there is nothing in the background.
Well, here's a video tutorial of how to make the sides for the people that still don't understand how to do it. I made it in Powerpoint, but the pic was edited in Photoshop.
Click on the pic to look at the video
Here are the links for the RA18 and AD17 Templates I made:
RA18 Template:i4.photobucket.com/albums/y107/onionmaster/RA18_Template.jpgAD17 Sides:i4.photobucket.com/albums/y107/onionmaster/AD17_Sides.jpgAD17 Top Logo:i4.photobucket.com/albums/y107/onionmaster/AD17Top.jpg