1st off, LOVE these threads. keep em coming, gets me pumped thinking about the whole year just like my 20?'s threads get me thinking about each certain wrestler.
i liked '93 as a whole still. late '93 into '94 stated getting not as good for me. i wasnt really a fan of the big guys starting to be overshadowed by the little technical wrestlers like bret, shawn, owen. i love those guys, but really loved them more around IC title status and the hogans, warriors, takers, savages, flairs, etc in the top spots. was not a fan of the push bret hart got. would totally rather seen mr perfect in the world title picture and mostly winning KOTR as well.
would have had flair keep the belt thru the SS92 tag match and then lose it to perfect at RR93. then face rumble winner yoko at wm9 and lose to him there same way bret did. but then come back and win kotr and fued with lawler at summerslam (bret's run). perfect left just before survivor series so we still had him for the majority of 93 which him being my fav wrestler of all time was awesome.
monday night raw (prob the best wrestling show in history). gorilla/heenan, doink, 123 kid/razor, jannetty won ic belt, etc!
mr perfect! LOVED him as a good guy for bit there, but he was totally underused. his matches with bret, flair & doink were amazing!
king of the ring! was one of the best ppv's ever and a great addition of a ppv to the big 4 at the time.
yokozuna! what an awesome heel giant!
lex luger! wwf debut! loved both his characters that year
giant gonzales! im a sucker for giants and i loved him too.
doink! another GREAT character that really helped start RAW off as a great show! esp heel matt bourne version!
steiner bros, mega maniacs, money inc were 3 teams i liked alot that were in top spots.
razor got a good push
undertaker was doin his thing
bigelow was all over
royal rumble. it gets alot of hate but i enjoy it. could have been way better tho. perfect was tough to get out, macho was in there. surprise gonzales /taker angle. yokozuna won it! all the other matches were good on the card too.
wrestlemaina9: liked this one too. was so pumped for perfect/luger, taker/gonzales, money inc/maniacs, doink/crush, micheals/tatanka, yoko/bret. loved the cesars palace outside thing too. made it different and memorable.
the guard was changing. no warrior, sid, flair, piper, jake snake, barely a hogan/savage, dibiase scaled back, andre passed away. times were a changing and i didnt like it too much.
mr perfect! losing the rumble, losing kotr, losing to lex at WM, not winning ic belt at summerslam, then no-showing survivor series and leaving wwf). not a great return year for my fav wrestler ever
luger not winning belt at summerslam! we all agree this was a big f up, they pushed him so hard and it was perfect to have him win it.
hogan's push. dindt like he jumped into wwf title picture again, esp the way they did it at mania, only to wrestle one ppv and leave. should just kept him w/beefcake & fueding with money inc OR let him & giant gonzales have fued instead (mega maniacs vs gonzales/hughes at kotr). but kept him out of title picture and let new guys have it.
bret's push. didnt like him as a hw champ, always liked him as IC champ or tag champ. just wasnt believable to me, him & micheals beating bigger guys.
micheals keeping belt over mr perfect. (vince protecting whiney micheals), was final straw for mr perfect who got shafted all year too and he said f-it and left with his carer going nowhere.
summerslam: terrible show. lex & perfect failed to win belts. rest of the matches werent good or even exciting to begin with.
survivor series: another bad event. the main event got screwed up with no tatanka or pierre. wwf was really showing it was lacking stars now. old hart bros vs unknown masked wrestlers, a SMW tag title match, random wrestlers thrown together for a match, bushwhackers/bastion booger in co-main event match! just ugh!