Post by ericbischoff on Feb 14, 2008 17:03:26 GMT -5
Either Mr West or Mrs Evans. They both was horrible teachers, they possible WORSE teacher in the world. Especially, Mrs Evans. She give all pupils LOTS of detention over SMALLEST thing, such as if you missing ONE letter in alphabet (You was around 7 years old) she will still give you a detention like as hell, such as there's no break time, or no lunch (To have eat the lunch in her classroom. And she keep staring to the pupil while they ate, etc) and have goes to you. She drop something off, just say pen. She will tell pupil to pick it up. If the pupil refused, she would make it as BIG SERIOUS trouble. And lots of issues. Even it was about 13 or 14 years ago. We all still talking about her, and use her pharse "I'm very very VERY VERY VERY disappoint in you, (Name)!" at the UK children programmer, called 'Evacuation to the Manor House' a teacher called Miss Young. She was exaclty same as Mrs Evans and look alots same as her. Awful teacher, and too strict. P.S just found Miss Young Picture, Mrs Evans look a lots same as her. Also, found Mrs Evans picture, but wasn't that good
Post by wwe4ever on Feb 14, 2008 17:24:55 GMT -5
My worst teacher would be my grade 1 teacher, Mrs. Schock. She was a crabby b*tch and she didn't have much patience with us.
Post by J12 on Feb 14, 2008 17:26:03 GMT -5
Ms. Voss, my eighth grade english teacher.
Even calling her an english teacher was a joke. She didn't teach english, she taught about Ukraine. I left that class as an expert on Ukraine and no better in english than I was the day I left my seventh grade class.
She favored the girls and got away with it. I wrote a report equal in quality to a girl in my class, she got a 96 and I got a 78. I took the reports to the vice principal and he flat out told me that while her's was slightly better than mine, the difference in grades should have been nowhere near what she gave.
She was part of the teacher's union, though, so there was nothing they could do about it and that was their excuse everytime someone complained about her.
She won teacher of the year the year I had her, and it disgusted me. She continues to receive praise from everyone but her students.
To this day, I tell any english teacher I have that I lost an entire year of the course my eighth grade year, and most of them understand as soon as I say it.
Post by Rant Casey on Feb 14, 2008 17:55:44 GMT -5
Till the day I die I will always view my 8th grade English teacher as my worst teacher. She was not a bad teacher necessarily but we did not get along and that resulted in her not wanting to help me with anything I needed, and once I realized she did not give a crapabout me I stopped caring about learning.
What really sucks is she always disliked me and treated me like a moron because I loved to play games, and with my free time I would play games instead of reading. She always tried to convince me that reading was more important and video games were basically the devil in her opinion.
Funny thing, I rarely ever play video games anymore, but I read almost every day now.
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Post by Deleted on Feb 14, 2008 19:18:07 GMT -5
I've had a few, one that was more recent was ms. Stephens for Grammar. We would ask her a question and all we would get was a "got me" or an "i dunno"
Post by mrindy on Feb 15, 2008 5:28:42 GMT -5
This Is An Averadge Day With My Worst Teacher
Me: I Sneeze
Her:Stop Doing That
Me:What Am I Doing ?
Her:You Know Precisly What Your Doing
Main Eventer
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Post by Returnal on Feb 15, 2008 7:25:54 GMT -5
Aww man i've had this teacher for like 3 of my 4 years at High School. Her name is Mrs Adamson and she is the worst teacher ever i mean no joke she is BAD she will be teaching in class and then she will go onto a story about her kids or past students and will go completely off track. If you quietly talk whilst copying notes down she will yell about how you were disrupting the class. Last year when i had her for English she'd write stuff on the board and she'd get the spelling wrong and i'd correct her and then by the end of the year it was her asking me how to spell certain words. Now i'm alright at English i'm not perfect or anything but when she is the teacher shouldnt she know how to spell words instead of having to ask a 16 year old how to spell simple words like "Alcohol"? Bleh
Post by ericbischoff on Feb 15, 2008 10:26:34 GMT -5
I just read this thread again, I realise all of your teacher is NOTHING compare with Mrs Evans, to be honest. I can't believe why I got TOO STRICT, NASTY and HORRIBLE teacher than you all got
Post by lancewiget on Feb 15, 2008 11:12:55 GMT -5
Well back in the day... i had a Science teacher i hated so much. 2 Years after i left... i found out it was my Uncle who i had never met... My dad basically disowned him and never spoke to him again... he never told me he was a teacher that lived in the area... so it turns out i hated my Uncle as a teenager... like everyone does...
Post by The Funniest Guy in Pants on Feb 15, 2008 11:34:36 GMT -5
Whos the worst teacher whos ever taught you. Worst as in meanness, and worst as in ability to teach? mine would have to be a art teacher called Mr.Hicks. He gave me a hours detention for giving him the homework then he loses it so he says i haven't done it. You got detention for not doing one assignment???
Post by DTP. on Feb 15, 2008 15:56:36 GMT -5
Mrs Morgan, ICT teacher. Blonde hair with obviously no sign of family. To make us quiet she'd tap her pen against the whiteboard. It didn't work
Post by ICW on Feb 15, 2008 16:15:30 GMT -5
1. 1st -4th grade Art Teacher: Mrs. Ramos She was a big, chubby asian lady who flat out was annoying. I remember hating art because of her. She would constantly get one me for any little thing and had this little annoying voice. She was nice to my mother but the bitch hated me for sure.
2. 6th-8th grade art teacher: My haterd for art was reborn because of Mrs. Zink. She constantly put me down, saying I had no skill and was an embrassament to her class. I one time gave a oral presentation on some artist and she gave me a 70 on it because I apparently did not follow all of the requirements I needed to talk about... which I did.
3. My current Physics teacher - Mrs. Demarinis Ahhh Mrs. DeMarinis. She is my curreny physics teacher and is at her first year at my school. She has no control of my class. We make animal noises, do foot stampeeds, air raids. No control of the class whatsoever.
Post by mattoriginal on Feb 15, 2008 16:29:28 GMT -5
Ms. Harlen.
What a bitch. Our former math teacher could scare us because..well she was 'big'. So she came in thinking she could scare us. She was smaller than me, and that's sad when I was smallest/thinest person in the class. She would literally giving detentions for nothing. Me and my friend Chris got in trouble one time for laughing at a joke about her. We didn't make the joke, or tell it, but we could in trouble for it. I almost cracked up in her face. My friend missed the bus and had to go home with one of our other friends, who was his cousin. Oh and she had a vibrator in her desk, and there was a rumor that she was sexually harassing people in my class.
Post by Wato Stan Account on Feb 15, 2008 18:57:10 GMT -5
Junior year, first semester math teacher. He hated me, he told me so, that's pretty much it.