Post by ultimatethey on Feb 16, 2008 14:39:36 GMT -5
I have this killer headache and i am about to go to my friends house soon and i want to get rid of this headache what is the best way to? I took advil already but it did not work.
Any tips?
Post by Cult Member BriGuy on Feb 16, 2008 14:53:27 GMT -5
poop it out
Post by [MJH] on Feb 16, 2008 14:55:00 GMT -5
drill a hole in your head and let the pressure come out like releasing a fart.
Post by finidigeorge on Feb 16, 2008 14:56:36 GMT -5
If it persists, see a doctor. Let common sense prevail.
Post by Gangrel-Brood on Feb 16, 2008 15:07:17 GMT -5
Post by BV on Feb 16, 2008 15:07:35 GMT -5
Its not a good idea to be on the computer while you have one tbh....
Post by ravensgathering on Feb 16, 2008 15:14:37 GMT -5
Advil will not do a damn thing. Take Aspirin. Any brand as long as it clearly says "Aspirin" or "Pain Relief" on the cover. It will go away in 15 minutes easily. I get bad Migraines and they disappear quickly.
Post by Grumpyoldman on Feb 16, 2008 15:20:08 GMT -5
Go easy on the Advil. Take too many, and it'll screw your stomach up. You might want to try an ice pack & a nap.
Post by ß®å¢K$ßâ¢k on Feb 16, 2008 15:36:24 GMT -5
Stop banging your head against the wall
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Post by bobski. on Feb 16, 2008 15:48:51 GMT -5
Try sleeping with either an ice pack or your pillow on your forehead, thats what I do whenever I get headaches
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Post by GP™ on Feb 16, 2008 16:14:46 GMT -5
*turns on tv Head On: apply directly to the forehead, Head On: apply directly to the forehead, Head On: apply directly to the forehead, Head On: apply directly to the forehe-
Okay, your commercials are annoying, but your product really works!
*turns off tv
ahahah, I don't know if it really works, but, give it a try I guess.
Post by ppk101 on Feb 16, 2008 22:24:36 GMT -5
Drink a lot of water, stay away from bright lights, don't watch tv or go on the computer.
Post by MondayRaw on Feb 16, 2008 22:34:04 GMT -5
Lay down, tylenol, dont watch tv or go on computer
Post by avalanche on Feb 16, 2008 23:23:32 GMT -5
Post by v/\v on Feb 16, 2008 23:44:12 GMT -5
Paracetamol or sleep. But i'm glad you have/had a headache.
Post by Vitamin Z on Feb 16, 2008 23:47:06 GMT -5
What I do is just take a shower and put the shower head on message. Put it on the spot of the headache. Then just get out of the shower and go lay down on the side that hurts.
It works for me almost all of the time.
Post by ericbischoff on Feb 17, 2008 0:22:03 GMT -5
I, occasionally, have awful headache, such as heavy migraine, and some time I got vertigo. I used have awful headache (vertigo) and it doesn't go away for long time, such as 5 to 6 weeks (Up to end of 2 months). And that was proper nightmare. Vertigo is link to the ears. That was very common for the Deaf. I do remember I barely hard to stand and walk straight, I was end up walk sloppy like as drunk. But that was nightmare. I spend most of time in the bed, because I was feel sick and dizzy all day and all night for 5 to 6 weeks. I also can't see any else properly, all went like as moved around which they wasn't moved, and blurry.
So I would recommend that you:- * Not use PC or Watch TV, because that was too bright and flash etc * Go to dark room and get some of sleep * Take a paracetamol (best not, usually you’ve consult with your general practitioner (Doctor)) * Sleep correct hours (8 Hours) because if you sleep for few hours or too much, that does affect to your brain leading to headache. * Eat properly food. And correct routine. * Go to shower, and massage your head, then lay down and let it cool * not keep put yourself in busy or activity. That will cause worse. * Let your pressure and stressful out.
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Post by Deleted on Feb 17, 2008 0:30:02 GMT -5
My mom and I, inheriting her superior genes, get headaches practically by the day. Time is the best healer, but I my suffering I have found that Advil Migrane (its browninsh-orangish) and a tight headband can help assist you to overcome the 'ache.
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Post by D-Rock on Feb 17, 2008 13:05:17 GMT -5
take a klnopin and dont eat. youll pass out and get rid of ur headache! it worked last night
Post by wwe4ever on Feb 17, 2008 16:07:12 GMT -5
Whenever I have headaches I take a Tylenol and the headache is gone in about 30 minutes.