Post by kanekilledvince on Dec 4, 2007 17:36:46 GMT -5
I would like to address a problem on this forum. One that administration Can't really do anything about unless notified about it, and one that is really getting to me. As we know. there are two genders in the world. Male and Female. Now you all already know that. Now here's what you guys probably don't know: Not every Female is a cock-addicted, Webcam-stripping, Sex Machine. After having spoke to some of the female members of the forum, I've heard the same thing over and over.. They get PM's from you guys asking them to "do sex talk" or to get their MSN/AIM and tell them to do stuff on webcam. So for those of you on the forum who do PM the women here making such intellectually- disabled requests and blatantly showing what an ass hole you are, just give it a ing break! For those of you who don't contact the women here, please feel sorry for those who do. I know i feel sorry for them. I never thought that some of the people who post here could be such scumbags. I reckon that I'll get bashed and attacked for even considering making this thread, because some of you reading this are the people I'm addressing. You can bash me, Smite me, Argue with me, ban me, send me hate mail or whatever it is you do.. It means nothing to me. When i log off i can hang around with a few girls and not be seen as a total moron. Jack, Nick, Sucka, TRW, etc. etc. will probably be angry at this thread.. but its about time it was said. It really pisses me off when people can't look at a girl and realise that she's an actual person. And to those of you who do PM the girls saying such stuff.. Just remember.. They have something that you will most likely never get!
Post by Rant Casey on Dec 4, 2007 17:41:32 GMT -5
I find it to be a sad statement on the community of WF that a female can not post here without getting harassed by ignorant teenage boys.
Some of these kids need to grow up.
Post by kanekilledvince on Dec 4, 2007 17:44:25 GMT -5
I find it to be a sad statement on the community of WF that a female can not post here without getting harassed by ignorant teenage boys. Some of these kids need to grow up. And then they wonder why there aren't any women posting here.
Post by chellie on Dec 4, 2007 17:44:27 GMT -5
agreed. nuff' said, off.
Post by bad guy™ on Dec 4, 2007 17:47:55 GMT -5
agreed. nuff' said, off. Ouch. Now, I talk to a majority of the ladies on here, but unlike some guys around my age (15) I know what is appropriate and what is not. SO I completely agree.
Post by ruthlessagression on Dec 4, 2007 17:49:12 GMT -5
Lol, people PM them to cyber? Quite sad.
Post by The Sam Kinnison Corps on Dec 4, 2007 17:49:25 GMT -5
I had no clue that this was so bad, but it's atrocious. Everyone guilty of it is a mysoginistic idiot who needs to grow up. Sexually harassing people won't make you lose your v-card any faster.
Post by Deep Figure Value on Dec 4, 2007 17:51:47 GMT -5
KKV, do you do webcam?
No, I kid. but for serious, in another light, some of the girls who sign up here run it up pretty high when they register. "Hey guys, I'm a GIRL. Any of other GIRLs on here, or am I the only GIRL?!"
Post by chellie on Dec 4, 2007 17:51:48 GMT -5
agreed. nuff' said, off. Ouch. Now, I talk to a majority of the ladies on here, but unlike some guys around my age (15) I know what is appropriate and what is not. SO I completely agree. Hahaha, not directed to you.
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Post by Revvie® on Dec 4, 2007 17:57:24 GMT -5
If this is happening(im not surprise)...tiz sad that people can not conduct themselves in such a way as to not offend...just yea...
Post by bad guy™ on Dec 4, 2007 18:01:50 GMT -5
Keep in mind, hormone raging teen boys+girls (Whether online or real)=Most likely perverted comments.
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Post by banting on Dec 4, 2007 18:08:35 GMT -5
wow, i didn't even realise people did that. Hey -~-*Chelsea*-~- got msn? j/k lol but yeah it is sad that people do that
Post by kanekilledvince on Dec 4, 2007 18:09:07 GMT -5
Hardly. Look at your sig. This isn't an attack on you, But you present yourself in a way that you want people to PM you. *rest of post not directed to "Chelsea"* I am not gonna accept 'Its cos their 13 year olds'. I'm 19. From the day I was born, Including when i was 13-16, i never, ever talked to a girl like that, or even suggested that they "talk dirty" for me. If I wana do that then I'll do it with someone I know and am comfortable with, i wont randomly harass some girl who happens to have an interest in wrestling and/or wrestling figures. When I started poting here, my gender was undisclosed, then i went to change it and set it to female by mistake. Within ten minutes i had a PM saying "Hey what do you look like". Except it wuz writn in txt talk of course. I think its so sad. Especially considering the girls i talk to here are all incredibly sweet girls. If they were ignorant fools then I wouldnt care. But they are so damn nice its just unfair that they get so much shit.. and for what? because they are a girl. what a load of crap.
Post by K5 on Dec 4, 2007 18:10:02 GMT -5
I find it to be a sad statement on the community of WF that a female can not post here without getting harassed by ignorant teenage boys. Some of these kids need to grow up. i doubt those sending these pm's are that within the community, or atleast i'd hope not.
Post by Deep Figure Value on Dec 4, 2007 18:14:40 GMT -5
Forgive me for seeing this entire thread as an alternate method for you to appeal to the gals.
Furthermore, how does you signature, featuring a scantily clad female not objectify women?
Post by Markw on Dec 4, 2007 18:20:14 GMT -5
I'm not surprised this is happening but it's seriously ed up...
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Post by Deleted on Dec 4, 2007 18:23:29 GMT -5
Definition of the word "pathetic".
Post by Hurricane on Dec 4, 2007 18:23:42 GMT -5
Not every Female is a cock-addicted, Webcam-stripping, Sex Machine. Well, I'll be damned...
Post by T R W on Dec 4, 2007 18:24:08 GMT -5
Forgive me for seeing this entire thread as an alternate method for you to appeal to the gals. Furthermore, how does you signature, featuring a scantily clad female not objectify women? Sort of what I was thinking. I mean, it's nice that you want to "stand-up" for these girls and everything. But they know the rules. If someone is harassing them, all they have to do is report it, and it will be dealt with. If they have a problem, they know how to deal with it, and they most likely don't need you to be their crusader. Besides, by making this post, you're probably just going to make things worse for them. Fattic and Kim have always dealt with this problem with dignity and class, so don't worry about it.
Post by ericbischoff on Dec 4, 2007 18:24:17 GMT -5
Alots people who are teenage do like as that. I do find it out not appropriate thing to do on the forums, or MSN or AIM or Yahoo or Bebo or MySpace, etc.
But that was shame, really.