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Joined on: May 30, 2006 13:43:20 GMT -5
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Post by warmachine76 on Aug 22, 2008 9:35:57 GMT -5
Yeah a small step backwards for TNA. Lashley sucks hard. He can't wrestle or talk and has zero charisma. I can't understand why we are even talking about this chump. no it would not be a small step backwards .i would be a big step foward. bobby lashley can't wrestle? that is biggest joke i ever Heard & the most stupidest thing i ever heard . bobby lashley is amateur champion in college & won the silver medal is military games. bobby lashley was trained in Olympic center in Colorado springs . where only the best amateur wrestlers train . also bobby lashley was trained for pro-wrestling by Dr death steve williams . so that means bobby lashley is a great wrestler & that you don't know what wrestling is. lashley can't talk but so what . wrestling was originally not about talking. any company would be luck to get Bobby lashley.the ony one who is chump & sucks hard because he does not know what wrestling is . Is you. I know exactly what wrestling is. I should since I competed for 6 years in school. I didn't say that Lashley is a bad amateur wrestler. He was a good amateur wrestler. However he is a piss poor "pro wrestler". I'm sorry that you don't understand the value promo cutting abilities and charisma in pro wrestling. Would Ric Flair be where he is today without his promos? Hell no. The same goes for most of the other greats. It is hilarious that you say being trained by Dr. Death somehow makes him great. I'm not trying to piss on any Dr. Death fans but that guy sucked too. His in ring skills were average and his promos were awful. Of course that is just my opinion and i'm entitled to it. I like Lashley right where he is. Clear the hell away from TNA. Bobby Lashley is the definition of useless WWE cast-off. I wish him well in his future endeavors. As long as he stays away from the six sides.
Post by ICW on Aug 22, 2008 9:42:36 GMT -5
Lashely sucks.
Post by mrchase on Aug 22, 2008 20:13:27 GMT -5
you keep forgetting "Professional" wrestling came from Amateur wrestling. the best pro-wrestlers ever have all been Amateur wrestlers .lashely is made out any other professional company. Lashley does not suck at all . lashley had a great run in wwe & showed he was a great wrestler .screw mic skills . go watch a lou thesz match & learn what real pro-wrestling is . bobby lashey is very in the good ring .Bobby lashley is just as god as Dr dreath steve williams or better then dr death. Yeah, if you pay attention to wrestling anymore, amateur wrestling means ****. Lou Thesz wrestled from the 30s-60s, this is 2008, bookers/promoters don't look for that anymore. They look for people who are big draws, can put on a show, not a 15 min mat wrestling spectacular. Nobody cares about NCAA championships or All-Americans anymore, it's about your charisma, they way you interact with a crowd, and the way you interact with your opponent. Nobody cares about NCAA championships or All-Americans anymore? that is bullcrap & stupid what you said. that is why kurt angle,brock lesnar,shelton bejamin , bobby lashley got big pushes .sorry but you are wrong . only internet marks not care about NCAA championships or All-Americans anymore.real sports fans who are pro-wrestling fans & no internet fans do care about NCAA championships or All-Americans .this just shows your ignorance to things .allso thesz wrestled from the 30's to 70's not 30s-60s, . so what if 2008 . that is the problem . people are not looking for a 15 min mat wrestling spectacular? are you kidding me . that is why there is ROH . most real old school wrestling fans are looking for a 15 min mat wrestling spectacular.most new school fans don't know what pro-wrestling really is & don't get it & don't understand the old school rules in pro-wrestling that never die.HHH is right about you new school fans & the new kids in pro-wrestling . you don't get it at all .
Post by Flyrfn144 on Aug 22, 2008 20:46:06 GMT -5
Yeah, if you pay attention to wrestling anymore, amateur wrestling means ****. Lou Thesz wrestled from the 30s-60s, this is 2008, bookers/promoters don't look for that anymore. They look for people who are big draws, can put on a show, not a 15 min mat wrestling spectacular. Nobody cares about NCAA championships or All-Americans anymore, it's about your charisma, they way you interact with a crowd, and the way you interact with your opponent. Nobody cares about NCAA championships or All-Americans anymore? that is bullcrap & stupid what you said. that is why kurt angle,brock lesnar,shelton bejamin , bobby lashley got big pushes .sorry but you are wrong . only internet marks not care about NCAA championships or All-Americans anymore.real sports fans who are pro-wrestling fans & no internet fans do care about NCAA championships or All-Americans .this just shows your ignorance to things .allso thesz wrestled from the 30's to 70's not 30s-60s, . so what if 2008 . that is the problem . people are not looking for a 15 min mat wrestling spectacular? are you kidding me . that is why there is ROH . most real old school wrestling fans are looking for a 15 min mat wrestling spectacular.most new school fans don't know what pro-wrestling really is & don't get it & don't understand the old school rules in pro-wrestling that never die.HHH is right about you new school fans & the new kids in pro-wrestling . you don't get it at all . 1.Alright, but be honest here, did Brock ever wrestle like an amateur wrestler in the ring? Does Shelton really wrestle like he is an amateur wrestler? Of course WWE looks at it, but it doesn't matter when they step into the ring. There's a reason these guys were trained how to professionally wrestle before they came into the WWE. 2.Go up to any casual fan in the WWE age demographic, and ask them if they care if a guy has a NCAA Championship plaque sitting on their mantle, guarantee the majority will say it doesn't matter all that much to them 3.Again, go up to any casual fan and ask them if they'd rather watch a fast paced, action packed match, or a match filled with tons of submissions and technical wrestling holds. People don't tune in for that. Don't feed me bull **** that ROH is about 15 min mat wrestling spectaculars. I've seen plenty of ROH matches, and a select handful of them have been mat wrestling spectacles. If you read some of the reports, crowds get bored easily with that nowadays. ROH's style is more of a fast paced style anyway. People don't care about the old school style anymore. Besides, wrestling has to evolve sometime. It can't be stuck in the 60-70's anymore, it has to move on and keep up with the fans. Everything has to change with time, it can't stay the same thing it's entire existence. All sports change. Take baseball for example, it changed. More powers hitters have been introduced to the game, guys are learning how to do things that they haven't before, things have changed. Wrestling is no exception. Just because Old-school wrestling was the foundation for today, and old-school fans wanna see that still, doesn't mean the younger fans don't know real wrestling. Like I said before, without charisma, without promo skills, without professional wrestling talent, you're not making it anywhere in this business, no matter how many amateur wrestling trophies you got in high school, and no matter what your record was.
Post by CBT on Aug 22, 2008 20:59:56 GMT -5
I didn't mind Kristal, but I hope both keep with their current endeavors.