Another npwl cool, you’re putting these together fast which is cool because you’re giving us all something new to watch.
But there’s a few things that have been bugging me since NPWL 1, the first being you choice of backdrop. I know you’re going for the “underground” look, but as long as you use your bedroom as a backdrop, every scene reminds me that I’m watching a pic-fed rather than a “show”
Go over to the graphics thread and print out a crowd or something. If you’re got the resources, I think a solid background would really improve NPWL.
Something else that’s been bugging me since NPWL 1 is the lack of turnbuckle pads. I just don’t get why you don’t have any. In storyline I don’t think it was explained and apparently the NPWL has been around for 24years? Why wouldn’t this company invest in turnbuckles? Bigeviljohn said he sent you turnbuckle covers in one of his responcses, if you have them use them, or at least explain why they’re not there.
You’re using a mattel elite ring, no? where are the turn pads that came with that? If you’re not using them bc of the WWE Logo, I scraped them off with a tooth pic after placing them in boiling water for a few mintues.
Also, where are the original ring ropes? I get distracted by seeing the knots in the ring ropes.
Also, there seems to be quite a few pictures that are missing.
And lastly, I think your poses are improving, but some are still stiff. Try to look at your pics and ask yourself “is this how the human body works?” especially the wrists of your figures.
I swear. I’m not trying to bury you, but instead give you honest feedback that can maybe help you improve. In no way do I want you to stop NPWL, because after 3 weeks I’m starting to get into the storylines, and I don’t want to see you stop.
I was surprised to see the wrestling mob just destroyed like that, especially by one man, Logan Brookes.
I was hoping for more from Prince Charming the 8th, DF said he got into NPWL based on talent like everyone else, but since he got squashed, I assume he’s got some connection with Kurt Lennon? If not him, then someone else with power/authority. I totally get why Derik Hall was pissed, give him some real competition, the guy is literally asking for it.
Just wondering, how did you get the blood on Chris Thorn? It looked good.
Lol at your SOPA/PIPA comments.
Overall, I did think this show was enjoyable. I can’t wait to see more NPWL.
P.S. if you haven’t checked out the new WCM, do so. Izzy put together a great show, and I think you can learn a lot from looking at how well put together that show is from the look to the story.