Post by takingyouout on Mar 6, 2008 13:10:42 GMT -5
I have many friends who are christians. But, I cannot ever imagine why anyone whould want to be. I mean, most christians beleive it is wrong to have a gay marrige. They also think blacks should be slaves; most are racist (at least my friends parents are) and so much more. My friends tells me that there are no ghosts; blah blah blah. I told him I did not believe in God, and he said you are going to hell. Ok? And I said Oh my god and they glared and where pissed because I said God. Yet, they say that the buda (sp) is a fat slob; and call black people s etc. It just pisses me off at how closed minded people can be. Like, they cannot picture God not being real or Hell being fake. Sorry for venting guys. Just kinda mad. And I do not have problems with all christians or anything. Thoughts?
Silent Jay
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Post by Silent Jay on Mar 6, 2008 13:15:07 GMT -5
If you really wanna get them pissed just say according to Narnia Jesus is gay...
Honestly though, I have no problem with christians, i have christian friends who don't bring me down for being gay. Religion is ok as long as you don't take it too far (wars, killing abortion doctors) Everyone deserves to believe what they want, I don't believe in a good god, just good people, but I don't hate you if you disagree. I also don't believe in heaven or hell the same way a christian does, but that's not important to this thread so I'll leave my belief on that out.
Post by dalethegreat on Mar 6, 2008 13:19:00 GMT -5
most don't think blacks should be slaves,what a stupid thing to say
Post by Almost Like Flacco on Mar 6, 2008 13:19:27 GMT -5
Not all Christians are over-the-top racist pigs like the people who you described appear to be. Most of my friends are Christians and I'm Atheist, I just ask them to not try and convert me because it's not going to work and they accept that. These people that you described seem to be the opposite of that. I say just let them have their beliefs and you can have yours.
Irish Ghost
Joined on: Mar 5, 2008 15:23:06 GMT -5
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Post by Irish Ghost on Mar 6, 2008 13:20:24 GMT -5
religion is ok as far as you dont push it onto someone else
Does that make me bad?
Joined on: Jul 25, 2007 14:04:20 GMT -5
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Post by Does that make me bad? on Mar 6, 2008 14:29:34 GMT -5
Religions are cults by another name.
I believe there is a god hes just not my savior. My father is a Christian and so are alot of his friends and they all tell me the things i do isnt the Christian way and i just tell them the story of when i was about 2 and i pissed all over the church. lol
Post by inrogers29 on Mar 6, 2008 14:31:39 GMT -5
Its just how different people are raised.
If someone is raised in a Christian home and have been around it and like people there whole life, its hard for them to imagine anything else and they see nothing wrong with it, just as people who were raised in a non religious home.
Post by Kliquid on Mar 6, 2008 15:25:07 GMT -5
Why would you be 'friends' with someone like that?
Post by King Bálor (CM)™ on Mar 6, 2008 15:27:28 GMT -5
Christianity doesnt believe blacks should be slaves. There might be people who believe that, but its not cuz they are Christian. You need to make new friends.
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Post by FACELESS on Mar 6, 2008 15:48:04 GMT -5
dude i just celebrate christmas and go to church when somebody dies not all jeusaholics are crazy
Post by hurricane on Mar 6, 2008 15:51:50 GMT -5
Worst forums ever to discuss religion on.
Post by Gazza on Mar 6, 2008 16:12:35 GMT -5
I lost respect for God when he no showed and left HBK in an handicap match.
Post by uzerx on Mar 6, 2008 16:38:09 GMT -5
Anyone who is just like...ridiculously racist annoys me. Like anything that has to do with anything another race has to be commented on. All this is from experience. A majority of Indian boys (not americanized yet) walk around and think they are above everyone. I have no complaints with Indian chicks, they are usually really nice. Black chicks = LOUD, complain about everything. I haven't seen an exception yet. Black guys, pull your pants up. Learn English. I have seen a FEW exceptions. Chinese/Korean. Chicks are really nice. No complaints on the dudes either, but they like to walk really fast in my school haha. Spanish kids. Why do you feel the need to speak Spanish in a room full of people who don't know what the you're saying? That's extremely rude. Very few exceptions. Spanish chicks who are hefty and for some reason wear tight shirts and belts to keep their gut in, STOP. White people in general. Quite being so easily influenced by other races and sh*t. You can tell when someone is acting "black", and the really inaccurate "white". To everyone in general, get up off your ass and stop playing Halo and sh*t for hours on end. That covers it all. Don't comment saying I'm racist because you see this sh*t everywhere and can't deny it.
Post by sheikydeik on Mar 6, 2008 17:07:49 GMT -5
that funniest thing about that picture.. atleast to me is thats always how i pictured screech looking ^^^
Post by Johnny on Mar 6, 2008 18:21:17 GMT -5
I am not a "religious" person, but I do believe in God.
Post by Mark on Mar 6, 2008 19:04:00 GMT -5
Sister Christian is my saviouir
Post by mcjoshuav1 on Mar 6, 2008 19:21:40 GMT -5
I have many friends who are christians. But, I cannot ever imagine why anyone whould want to be. I mean, most christians beleive it is wrong to have a gay marrige. They also think blacks should be slaves; most are racist (at least my friends parents are) and so much more. My friends tells me that there are no ghosts; blah blah blah. I told him I did not believe in God, and he said you are going to hell. Ok? And I said Oh my god and they glared and where pissed because I said God. Yet, they say that the buda (sp) is a fat slob; and call black people s etc. It just pisses me off at how closed minded people can be. Like, they cannot picture God not being real or Hell being fake. Sorry for venting guys. Just kinda mad. And I do not have problems with all christians or anything. Thoughts? i am a Christian, and i am the complete opposite of what you just described. most of the Christians i know aren't like that either. there might be SOME people that act like that, but you can't label Christianity evil just because a few people are asses. bottom line: you are stereotyping Christianity, and you are the one that is being narrowminded.
Post by PID on Mar 6, 2008 19:24:46 GMT -5
most christians beleive it is wrong to have a gay marrige. They also think blacks should be slaves; most are racist. My friends tells me that there are no ghosts; blah blah blah. I told him I did not believe in God, and he said you are going to hell. If you do go to hell, I'm sure it has more to do with you being an idiot.
Post by wwe4ever on Mar 6, 2008 19:26:37 GMT -5
Those "friends" don't sounds like true friends to me. I'd find some new friends if I were you.
Post by [MJH] on Mar 6, 2008 19:28:19 GMT -5
way to stereotype christians there pal, not all of us are bible bashing rascist jobs.